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Overview tour operators in Vietnam

The involvement of the tourism industry is essential to ensure sustainable tourism successfully. The foreign tour operators in general and tour operators in Vietnam particular, hotels, cruise ships, and other providers of leisure activities can make a big difference by using a sound management practices for the environment.

Tour operators in vietnamThe tourism Vietnam industry is rich and includes many different things such as tour operators, hotel operators, train travel and the entertainment provided. Tour operators can have a major impact and specific, because they affect the choice of visitors to a particular destination and they deal with many different operators (hotels , entertainment …). Tour operators in Vietnam – who will conduct the tour of the huge impact they can through hiring local guides, limit the number of customers, and communicating information and educational media. Tour operators can also break developed a “sustainable supply chain” of suppliers related to the sustainable operation.

Hotel location, design, management will have significant impacts to marine resources and coastal. The planning and design location along the coast must be very carefully planned to minimize erosion, the damage of the hotel before the storms and waves. Once built up, the hotel management activities daily could play an important role in preserving the local environment and in reference to establish a close relationship with local communities, together with the save time and money for hotel operators and enhance the visitor experience. The passenger has specific effects in the ports and through the waste disposal into the sea, the tourist tour of the outer vessel also affect marine and coastal areas. The supplier of recreational activities are the responsibility of visitors to interact with the environment and can be oriented activities to minimize damage to coral reefs, have more natural life and other impacts by educating staff and visitors.

A zoning system can guarantee the operation of tourist place at sustainable levels, the benefits are maximized while negative impacts to the minimum is reached. In addition, the division may be used to separate the goals of conflicting uses and to minimize conflicts between users

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